Here, we bring your home design questions straight to the experts—interior designers.
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Washingtonian’s “Ask a Designer” series takes readers’ home design questions and conundrums directly to the experts—interior designers. Struggling to find the best kid-friendly rug for your mudroom? Looking for a desk to fill an awkward space? Need exterior paint recs? Send your questions to [email protected] and we’ll get them answered.
“My top-floor rowhouse apartment has zero closets. What are some storage solutions for coats and off-season clothes?”
We asked Bethesda designer Marika Meyer of Marika Meyer Studio for her advice:

“We deal with storage issues in a lot of older homes. I’ve lived in houses built in the 1940s for most of my life, so I’m always thinking of ways to tuck away out-of-season items. One easy spot is under the bed. Many vendors sell storage containers specifically designed for under-the-bed. They also create a nice seal that keeps fabrics fresh for the next year.

“We’ve also used old armoire-style cabinets to house clothing. They were originally designed when most houses didn’t come with closets, and are great solutions. We love using vintage pieces—websites like 1st Dibs or Chairish have a wide range of vintage styles from 1960s modern to French Regency.

“Lastly, one of my favorite tricks is the Ikea hack. In our office, we use tall cabinets from Ikea as closets that house all of our memo samples. They’re great, and easy to get upstairs and into tight spaces. These units can either be free-standing or built-in to look more original to the space.”
Home & Features Editor
Mimi Montgomery joined Washingtonian in 2018. She’s written for The Washington Post, Garden & Gun, Outside Magazine, Washington City Paper, DCist, and PoPVille. Originally from North Carolina, she now lives in Del Ray.